
Is Texting for Business Okay? Here's When it is, and When it Isn't...

Is Texting for Business Okay? Here's When it is, and When it Isn't...

Texting is arguably the fastest and most convenient way to get in touch with someone. You can order food, get a taxi, and make weekend plans all with a few taps on your phone. It's become so commonplace that it's also becoming...
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There's a Cell Phone Black Market in Canada That You Need to Know About

There's a Cell Phone Black Market in Canada That You Need to Know About

If you live in one of Canada's urban centres, chances are you pay too much for...
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Virgin Mobile Unlocks Opportunities for Homeless and At Risk Youth

Virgin Mobile is unlocking some awesome opportunities for homeless and at-risk youth with their new campaign. #Unlocked out gives shelter to those in need across Canada while providing access to important job skills and training.
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Pay for Parking on Your Phone: Mayor Tory Claims He’s Finally Going to Modernize Toronto

There’s no question that the City of Toronto’s services could use some serious upgrades. It’s time for the city website and services to catch up with our technological time, and mayor Tory claims he will help make it happen. Finally
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