The Skinny: The 7 Worst Hollywood Diet Methods for Your Body

Whether you like it or not, Hollywood is likely influencing your body.

The problem is – it’s not a healthy influence.

As young professionals, we feel the pressure to look good, too. But that definitely doesn’t mean we should be following the stars. ‘Cause when it comes to our health and bodies, eating well and exercising seem to be the only real answers.

With that in mind, here are 7 of the newest and worst Hollywood methods celebrities are using to get skinny.

In case we’re not being clear enough here – don’t do them.

1. Waist Training
The Fad:
Celebrity women such as Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba, and Blac Chyna have been endorsing a new (or not-so-new) product called “waist training”. Waist training involves wearing a corset-like undergarment that permanently reduces the size of your waist over time. The practice is said to help reduce food volume intake by constricting the internal organs, thus helping promote the healthier practice of eating smaller meals, more often, rather than three large meals a day. It’s also said to increase perspiration.

The Truth:
Medical experts have claimed that wearing the corset for too long can damage skin and internal organs. The liver, spleen, and kidneys can bruise and wearing the corset too tightly can restrict oxygen your metabolism needs, causing women to actually gain weight. It’s also been known to cause constipation, headaches, and/or acid reflux, as well as making people feel as if they’re living in the 19th century.

2. Baby Food Diet
The Fad:
Developed by Gwyneth Paltrow’s trainer, Tracy Anderson, and followed by celebrities such as Reese Witherspoon, this diet allows you to eat baby food for two meals each day (for a total of 14 jars of baby food) and then you keep your third meal light. Your caloric intake is restricted to about 600 calories.

The Truth:
You’re not taking in enough calories on this diet and puréed food contains less fibre than actual food therefore leading to constipation, weight gain, nausea, and tiredness. Also, are you a baby? We didn’t think so.

3. The Purple Food Diet
The Fad:
This diet restricts you from eating anything other than purple (or dark red) food for at least three days a week. Mariah Carey swears by this diet that consists of red grapes, plums, beets, juniper berries, and dark red apples, which is said to not only cause weight loss, but also combat wrinkles.

The Truth:
Purple foods are undeniably great for you as they are high in anti-oxidants and are linked to anti-aging and help fight cancer, but restricting three days’ worth of meals to only purple food means you won’t be getting enough calories, proteins, grains, and calcium. There’s a reason no one watches Barney anymore.

4. Taking ADD Medication
The Fad:
Paris Hilton and many Hollywood actresses are reportedly using the medication that is created for attention-deficit disorder (ADD) for weight loss. Adderall is a pill that’s known to decrease appetite and increase metabolism.

The Truth:
Side effects of this drug include increased blood pressure and heart rate, problems such as hearing voices and maniacal behavior. This drug should not be taken unless under a doctor’s supervision – and apparently a doctor who isn’t practicing in Hollywood.

5. Macrobiotic Diet
The Fad:
This diet consists of eating 100% natural foods, excluding anything processed or refined, and banning any meat, fish, eggs, or dairy. Produce or food that has been altered by cooking is also not allowed. Gwyneth Paltrow survives on this diet of fruit, veg, whole grains, cereals, seeds, and algae.

The Truth:
Macrobiotic dieters often suffer from protein, iron, and Vitamin B12 deficiencies – aka: this is dangerous for your health.

6. The Maple Syrup Diet
The Fad:
Singer Beyoncé has been known to keep her bod bootylicious by undertaking crash diets. Her favorite is the maple syrup diet. This “master cleanse” fast involves eating nothing, and drinking a mixture of maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and lemon juice throughout the day to cleanse the body. You also drink a laxative tea every night and lukewarm sea salt water in the morning to flush you out.

The Truth:
Do we really need to tell you that the worst thing you can do to your waistline is starve yourself? By denying yourself food, you not only burn fat, but also muscle. As soon as you start eating again, the weight will immediately come back on, but in fat form. Still tempted? Let the real Doogie Howser explain.

7. The Dukan Diet
The Fad:
The Dukan Diet is a new craze amongst celebrities. Jennifer Lopez and opera singer Katherine Jenkins have been reported to be using this diet method, which is named after French nutritionist Dr. Pierre Dukan. On this diet, you are to consume solely protein – not even vegetables are allowed. 

The Truth:
Consuming only protein can cause bad breath, dry mouth, lethargy, and constipation. Shutting out entire food groups, namely grains and fruit, might also put you at risk for nutritional deficiencies. Also, looking like this is probably not what you’re going for – green included. 



Images: Kim K:, Instagram

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