How to Psychologically Prep for Your Next Hangover

We’ve all been there: It’s a beautiful Saturday afternoon and you find yourself slouched on the couch, curtains closed, pajama pants on, eating Kraft Dinner from the pot, and feeling utterly disgusted with yourself. The physical affects of a hangover can be awful, but the only thing that can make such an icky day feel even worse are the psychological affects, also known as “the booze blues.” Thankfully, for us savvy young professionals there are some smart preparatory measures we can take in order to make hangovers less depressing and to be able to get on with our precious weekends.

Designate the day 
One of the main causes of the booze blues is guilt. We aren’t living a carefree college lifestyle anymore – we are busy young professionals. Spending a day being hungover naturally makes us feel like we are wasting time. What’s worse is if we actually have to cancel commitments because we feel so awful. The best way to conquer this guilt is to pre-plan your hangover by actually giving yourself permission to spend the next day just doing what you want, even if that is nothing at all. If you know you have brunch with the in-laws the next morning, or plans to help a friend move, do your “tomorrow self” a favor and don’t go do the things that will lead you into a nasty hangover. Planning your big nights out when your following day can be completely free and allowing yourself a thoroughly considered hall pass will help alleviate that lazy-day guilt. 

Trick yourself
You don’t need to be hungover to feel bad about lying around the house all day. Wallowing about in your headache and dehydration will do nothing but make you feel even worse about yourself. Boost your spirits by tricking your mind into thinking it’s just a regular day. Get up, shower, go out for a coffee, do a light work out, meet a friend for a casual lunch; do the easy and enjoyable things you would normally do on a nice weekend. You may want to skip that mountain hike with your trainer, or day of shopping with your grandmother, but getting cleaned up and out of the house will help distract your mind away from your current physical state.

Eat yourself happy
It has been proven that many people head straight for the serotonin-producing carby foods that we would normally avoid when we feel bad. While a sugary doughnut or a serving of greasy fries may make us feel glorious in the moment, such foods will only contribute to our state of booze blues. This is due not only to the inevitable guilt (since we know better), but because high carb/fat/sugar foods can produce a nasty sugar-crash hangover all their own. Why add to your rotten mood when you can instead start fighting both the physical and psychological affects of a hangover by feeding your body what it needs: nutrient-rich foods and hydrating liquids. Again, plan ahead for your hangover by stocking your fridge with chopped veggies and fruits, as well as naturally hydrating drinks like coconut water, green tea, and pomegranate juice. You can also plan to order takeout that is both comforting and healthy, like soothing miso soup and fresh sushi, or a veggie-topped pizza and salad; anything to help you avoid those Cheetos and Slurpees screaming your name.