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Alcohol sales with takeout and delivery will be allowed permanently

Delivery and takeout have become pandemic staples. For many, so has drinking. Ontarians were thrilled, then, when the province temporarily allowed them to order booze with their takeout or delivery. So were hospitality businesses, considering the high margin of alcohol sales. It’s always fun to wonder which lessons and exceptions

Canadians are going hard on coffee, alcohol and pregnancy tests

Remember that viral Kitty O’Meara poem which optimistically suggested the pandemic would cause people to slow down and reflect and heal and all that? Well, nah. People are just as keen to indulge in their cravings as ever. More so, actually. According to Statistics Canada, Canadians are going harder than

Are You Taking the Digital Party too Far?

Despite remaining cooped up at home, many millennials are seeing more of their friends than they did in the pre-COVID-19 era, thanks to digital parties facilitated by platforms like Zoom and the increasingly popular Houseparty app. Video calls and digital gatherings are one of the (admittedly few) silver linings in

1 in 7 Canadians are boozing more than pre-pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic, among many other things, will be known as the era of double same vowels: Zoom, gloom, and booze. I have no doubt that these examples are related. Much of our social life has existed on a screen, it’s getting us a little down, and so we drink

Hey, Boozehounds: Dubai Approves 30-Day Liquor Visas for Tourists

Dubai is known to have some of the strictest alcohol regulations in the world. Under current laws, alcohol may only be served in private, licensed venues such as hotels, restaurants, and clubs. The laws apply to both locals and visitors. If hot rumours are to be believed, all this could change