Hair & Makeup Pros Show Young Couple What They’ll Look Like as They Grow Old Together

If this video doesn’t convey the meaning of marriage, we’re not sure anything really will. 

But before you watch it, get out the tissue.

Created by The Cut, in collaboration with Field Day, “100 Years of Beauty” shows a young 20s-something couple – who have known each other since they were 19 – what they’ll look like as they grow old together. 

This is done thanks to the help of some pro hair and makeup artists and stylists, who create the couple’s changing appearance in their 50s, 70s, and 90s.

Whether we admit it or not, everyone wonders not only how we will age, but how our significant others will age as well. And yeah, it can be a scary thought.

Rather than turned off by the loss of their youth and looks, the couple reacts in way that makes us want to hug our significant others a little tighter tonight. 

Or, just find a relationship STAT.  


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