6 Ways to Make a Proper Vision Board

It’s difficult to achieve exactly what you want in life if you don’t put it out there. Of course, putting it out there means you have to actually know what you want in the first place.

Enter: the increasingly popular vision board, a collage of images, quotes, and symbols that reflects your dreams and aspirations.

The idea behind a vision board centres on the law of attraction and turning your dreams (and daydreams) into reality, using the board as a catalyst.

But there are ways to do it properly. After all, we don’t want your vision board becoming an arbitrary “wish list” akin to a 15-year-old girl’s Pinterest account.

So here are six things to keep in mind when you’re trying to talk to the universe… 

1. Don’t Rush it
The creation of a vision board is designed to make you think long and hard about what you want and how to realistically achieve it. Meaning, it requires a lot of thought. Don’t just rip out the first cool living room interior shot you see in a magazine or a generic palm tree-filled beach that could be anywhere. Get specific, and take your time finding pictures, images, quotes, and anything else that resonates with you on a personal level. 

2. Don’t Assume it Has Magical Powers
You can’t spend one night creating the ultimate life for yourself – the success, the money, the spouse, the multiple vacations, and the early retirement – within the confines of a vision board… then sit and wait for everything to magically come your way. Remember, it’s simply a tool used to envision hopes and goals with greater clarity. Not a magic wand.

3. Don’t Clutter
If your vision board looks too much like a collage of hundreds of overlapping images, it sort of defeats the whole purpose. How are you supposed to have a clear vision if the images are more cluttered and unorganized on the board than they are in your head?

4. Make Sure it Reflects All Aspects of Your Life
A vision board is supposed to reflect all aspects of your life – not just the superficial or material. Make sure it reflects more than the fancy car and corner office. This means your health, internal happiness, physical state, relationships, and spirituality as well. Because these days, it’s about the whole package.

5. Keep it Visible
There’s no point in putting the time and energy into creating a vision board if it’s going to sit at the back of your closet or under your bed. We’re not saying it needs to be on display in your living room for every guest to see, but make sure it’s somewhere you’ll see it often. Of course, you could also take a picture of it with your phone so that it’s with you at all times.

6. Act on it
This goes along with the whole lack of magical powers point. Make sure you have a clear sense of the appropriate steps of action – both long-term and short-term – you need to take to achieve (or at least be on your way to achieving) your goals. 


Cover image from: istock.com/IvelinRadkov

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