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4 Tips to Maximize Your Productivity

This post is sponsored by Dell Technologies. Here’s the thing: we live in a time and age of information overload. The media releases news at all times, and whether we’re consuming news as trivial as a feud between the Kardashian’s, or as significant as a world-wide viral pandemic, it’s not hard

#NotableYoungPros: Founder of Evio Beauty Brandi Leifso

Brandi Leifso was 21 and living in a women’s shelter when she developed the concept for her first make-up company, Evelyn Iona, now Evio Beauty. Through tenacity, creative photoshopping and some ingenious thinking when it came to ordering the first round of her products, she was able to bootstrap her

#CareerGoals: Creative Brand Strategist and Producer Meghan Kraft

Meghan Kraft is a busy woman. Not only is she the Creative Producer at Somewhere Variety, but she’s also a brand strategist for a handful of other companies. She starts to laugh immediately when asked, “how can we describe your job?”. Straying from a defined path and instead choosing to

5 Tips to Balance Your Day Job and Career Goals

By Ali Daly Remember being a little kid and your parents, teachers, and coaches saying, “You can do anything you set your mind to!” Boy, were they wrong. Turns out that your mind isn’t enough these days to achieve your goals. You need determination, motivation, and, of course, money. Pursuing