This Interactive Map Shows the Percentage of the World You’ve Explored

If you have dreams of travelling the entire world before you die, there’s a new interactive site that will show you just what percentage of the earth you have left to cover.

In just a few minutes (or more for the seasoned traveller), My Travel Map will display exactly how much of the planet you’ve hit so far in your globetrotting adventures. Subtract that from 100, and you’ll see how much of the earth you have left to check off that travel bucket list.

All you do is type in a country and select it from a drop-down menu. Some geographically larger countries – like Canada and the U.S. – will include the province or state.

All locations will give you three options: “I was born there,” “I have lived there,” and “I have visited there.” As you go along, checking off the places from your travels, text at the top of the page will tally up the percentage of the earth you’ve covered.

When you’re finished, there is an option to share your map with your Facebook friends. You know, just in case they missed your photo album. Then, it’s probably time to plan your next travel adventure as the realization sets in that there’s a lot more of the world to make your mark on.
