
The Yelp for People is Officially Here...and It's Still a Terrible Idea

The Yelp for People is Officially Here...and It's Still a Terrible Idea

Peeple was dubbed “the Yelp for humans” when it was announced back in October. And now it's out and available. The reassuring news it that its potential for damage (i.e. rampant cyber bullying) isn’t as high as initially thought. Actually, it's...
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Judge Orders Woman to Pay $1000 for Publishing a Scathing Yelp Review

Judge Orders Woman to Pay $1000 for Publishing a Scathing Yelp Review

If you think a keyboard and computer screen shield you from accountability for unleashing malicious vitriol...
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Yelp Now Lets You Track Food Trends in Your City

There’s not a lot you can’t figure out when it comes to restaurants and venues in Toronto – so it comes as no surprise that Yelp has made a tool that collects all their data and puts it in one place so you can track trends in your city
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People Are Reviewing Toronto Strip Clubs on Yelp

The fact is, Gentleman's Clubs are a part of young professional life - it's just that (appropriately) no one ever talks about it. Well, at least we thought no one ever talked about it...
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