
Discover Three Characteristics of Successful YPs

Discover Three Characteristics of Successful YPs

Have you ever met someone and knew immediately that they were on the cusp of success? You know, the ones with the work ethic you admire, the charm that leaves a lasting impression, and the unmatched ability to connect the...
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How to Get the Best Revenge

Part of growing as an adult and as a professional is learning how to get even in more positive and productive ways. Here are a few notable examples of mature and constructive forms of seeking vengeance
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Montreal Grand Prix Exclusive Interview: David Coulthard on Success

When it comes to Formula One racing, it’s hard not to be familiar with one of the sport’s most recognized faces and personalities, the recently retired 13-time Grand Prix winner David Coulthard. In an interview full of tricks and gems, Coulthard reveals what keeps him driven and how you can apply some of his advice to any professional industry
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Comment faire face au rejet professionnel

Vous avez sans doute raté quelque chose à un moment ou un autre de votre carrière professionnelle - que ce soit au cours d'un entretien d'embauche, d’une réunion importante ou dans la gestion d'un projet ou d'un compte important. Vous avez aussi probablement pensé que vous aviez très bien fait dans l’un de ces cas, jusqu’à ce que vous viviez un rejet, une critique, et peut-être même des objections flagrantes sur votre travail. Voici quelques éléments à garder à l'esprit la prochaine fois que vous ferez face à un rejet au travail
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How to Deal with Professional Rejection

You’ve probably messed something up at one point or another in your professional career – whether during a job interview or important meeting, or in handling a major project or account. It happens, hopefully once and never again. You have also likely thought you had done amazingly well at one of the above, only to be met with rejection, harsh and constructive criticism and perhaps even blatant objections to your work. Here are a few things to keep in mind the next time you face rejection in the workforce
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Échouez vous à vos résolutions ?

Tous les premiers de l’an nous répétons la même chose : « cette année j’irai au gym plus souvent! «, « cette année je serai plus généreux! » ou encore « cette année je mets au rancart la téquila pour de bon! ». Ainsi, année après année, un grand nombre de jeunes professionnels s’assoient sur leurs bonnes résolutions et continuent de faire les mêmes choses et de mener la même vie, sans rien y changer
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Are You a Resolution Flake?

Every January 1st we say it, or something like it: “this year I’ll make working out a bigger priority,” “this year I’m going to focus more on giving back,” or “this year I will give up tequila for good.” Year after year, however, so many of us young professionals flake out, simply continuing to live the same way, and doing the same stuff we did the year before
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Grey Goose Notables: A Toast to Your Success

Ladies and Gentlemen: It’s back again! For the second year, we have partnered with Grey Goose for the Grey Goose Notables series. Do you have a favourite vacation spot that you think other YPs need to know about? Are you a Grey Goose Notable? We look forward to hearing from you
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Stay Grounded and in Touch With the World Around You

By nature, young professionals tend to be, to some degree, self-centered. We are in a stage of life where our personal and professional goals must be in the forefront of our minds at all times in order to succeed. Needless to say, some of us may find ourselves getting a little carried away, forgetting about the small but important things in the world around us, like the plight of others and those in need
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Breakfast of Champions

There are some wonderfully strong and positive adjectives associated with success – dedication, determination, grace, resilience, motivation, drive, passion. But all of these attributes come into play after the decision to pursue an endeavor. What is behind all of this? Where does it all start?
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