Calgary Plus 15 App

Living in Calgary, working downtown, and enduring the somewhat never-ending winters, one will inevitably learn to master to the labyrinth of Calgary’s +15 pedestrian walkway system. But, if you’re new to the city, constantly late, or just want to find the most efficient route to your meeting or favorite coffee shop, there’s a new app to help…and it’s actually great. It uses GPS to pinpoint your location and navigate you through the myriad of walkways.

The app’s detailed map shows where the walkways cross major roads and transit stations and marks where entrances and exists are. This winter you can say goodbye to salt-stained shoes and slush on the back of your Harry Rosen dress pants.

Opened in 1970, the +15 system is the world’s largest pedestrian walkway system at 16 kilometers long. It is a collection of 59 bridges that connect over 100 buildings downtown. 

Props to Calgary’s Mediumrare for developing the app!