
Comment partager un bureau avec quelqu’un que vous n’aimez pas

Comment partager un bureau avec quelqu’un que vous n’aimez pas

Nous ne pouvons choisir notre famille, et la plupart du temps, nous ne pouvons choisir nos collègues non plus. Il y a un bon moment déjà que nous avons accepté le fait que nous n’aurons pas nécessairement d’affinités, ou n’aimerons...
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Tips for a Notable Business Lunch: Part One

While many of us generally don’t mind the idea of knocking back a few cocktails in the afternoon (especially when it’s a sunny day on a patio), let’s be real here: When it comes to hosting a business lunch, life is not an episode of Mad Men. What we can in fact take from the double-M, though, is the suave attire, gentlemanly conduct, and a certain savoire-faire. We’ve rounded up a few extra tips to help you work your way to inking a deal between bites
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How to Share an Office With Someone You Just Don't Like

We can’t choose our family and, most of the time, we can’t choose our coworkers either. Long ago, we accepted the fact that we won’t necessarily get along with, or even particularly like, each fellow young professional (YP) who crosses our path – and not everyone will like us
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Five Ways to Offend Someone Professionally

We driven, successful young professionals have a lot invested in our careers and business ventures. We take pride in our professional successes and are generally passionate about what we do. Naturally, if a fellow YP says or does something to offend or undermine us professionally, it will be remembered. Here are five things that may offend professionally
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Breakfast of Champions

There are some wonderfully strong and positive adjectives associated with success – dedication, determination, grace, resilience, motivation, drive, passion. But all of these attributes come into play after the decision to pursue an endeavor. What is behind all of this? Where does it all start?
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Hold On, You're Not There Yet

To stand out in today’s unforgiving cities, being successful, impactful and memorable is an evolving process. The second you feel the need to stop working for more marks the second you start slipping behind the others
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Success Has Gone to Your Head If

You've done well, if you do say so yourself. You are proud that this was, to the most part, due to your own hard work and sacrifices made. It is very easy, however, to let the success go to your head and we witness this time and again among the YP set. Your success may have gone to your head if
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Are You Afraid of Success?

Fear of failure is common and understandable amongst young professionals, but what about the other side of the spectrum? Here's why some are afraid of accomplishment, recognition and praise, and how you could be self-sabotaging your own success
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