
Brotagonist: Study Shows Bromance Could Actually Be Good For a Man's Health

Brotagonist: Study Shows Bromance Could Actually Be Good For a Man's Health

Your girlfriend has been telling you for years that you spend an 'unhealthy' amount of time with your bros. Good news, guys: She's wrong about your bromance. In fact, it's actually good for your health. A study by the University...
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9 Ways to Make Sure You Actually Enjoy Monday

Everyone gets a case of the Mondays. Everyone. But is there a way of getting rid of them? Believe it or not, yes – and it’s pretty simple. So when your alarm screams at you tomorrow morning, reminding you it’s not the weekend anymore, here are 9 things that will help you get through the day
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Keep Calm and Carry On: How Your Emotions are Literally Killing You

Staying calm and cool isn't just good for those around you, it's also really good for your heart. A new study out of Australia suggests a huge increase in the risk of a heart attack when someone's experiencing intense anger
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