
Five Ways to Stay “On” Throughout the Event

Our cities are almost oversaturated with an abundance of professional networking events that inevitably (should) result in a shorter stack of personal business cards in your wallet, promising connections and meaningful, insightful shoptalk. If not, you may be doing something wrong
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10 Rules for a Notable Weekend

From the ultimate night out to improving your Monday mentality, there's more to having a notable weekend than just attending the right events. We've even covered how to handle FOMO or that impending hangover, depending on what you choose to do
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Hidden Agendas Others See Right Through

There are few things that get under our skin and drive us more nuts than less-than-genuine people with ulterior motives. Hidden agendas, however, find their way into everything from work to friendships and personal relationships. Most of the time, though, they aren’t so hidden. Here’s why you’re not fooling anyone
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Why You Should Expand Your Circle of Friends

Do you ever notice that fellow young professionals begin to sound, look and dress alike among certain social cliques? Most YPs have their group of friends that they have had for years. Just like in work and relationships, we can fall into a "comfort zone" within our groups of friends. Here is why you should expand your social circle
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Simple Science for Owning the Introduction

A recent Harvard study claims that humans experience a rush of dopamine when talking about ourselves, similar to that felt when talking about food, sex, and money. Here's how you can use that to your advantage when looking to own and important introduction
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Planning for Morning Friendly Evenings

Long, hard days at work often result in equally long and hard nights of socializing that extend into the early hours of the morning. Social activities are essential for breaking up the monotony of the typical weekly routine, and can still be beneficial to your professional development
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The Importance of a BFF or Bromance

There are two things in life that can't be replaced: friends and family. For most people, that BFF or Bromance is actually closer than family and can be depended on for pretty much anything life throws at you. Here's why it's important to have that anchor in your life
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