
Textez vous avec bravoure?

Textez vous avec bravoure?

La technologique des communications textuelles est devenue une composante capitale de la vie de tous jeunes professionnels. La plupart d’entre nous communiquent via texto sous une forme ou sous une autre, et ce, plusieurs fois par jour. Mais quand il...
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Still Not Editing Your Text?

One of the easiest ways to leave a questionable impression of yourself on prospective clients or employers, and thus put the competition in a better light, is to portray yourself as less educated, capable, or dedicated through unedited textual communication. Mastering the final once-over can help ensure that any doubts about your abilities never enter the minds of your readers, whoever they may be
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Are You a Text Fighter?

Textual communication technologies have become crucial components of our lives as young professionals. Most of us communicate via text in one form or many, numerous times each day. But when it comes to communicating disagreeing opinions, regardless if it’s just a friendly debate or a more strongly worded argument, it’s best to put the electronic device down, kick it old school, and talk it out
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Second Impressions are the New First Impressions

Young professionals have been engrained with the idea that first impressions are everything. While your first time meeting someone is certainly important for relaying an initial impression of your character, that first handshake and introduction doesn’t have to be your only make it or break it moment
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Why Nobody is Listening to You

Do you ever wonder why people aren’t really listening to what you have to say? Sure, maybe they are hearing you, but, despite what you perceive to be your best efforts, nothing seems to resonate with them. Do you feel like you may as well be talking to a blank wall or a puppet? It’s time to change that now, by considering the following five things
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Email Etiquette: Five Tips Before You Hit Send

Email communication is as easy as clicking a button, but this convenience also increases the chances of making a critical, permanent communication error. Don't pretend like you never had a near heart attack after hitting "send." Here's how to hopefully avoid any email miscues
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YEDaily: Amir Sahba

Amir Sahba is a man who cannot sit still for more than five seconds. His love for creative design and interest in the growing field of interactive technology fuels him to push his company Thinkingbox to excel everyday in today’s YEDaily
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Getting In Front of That Key Contact

We've all been in a situation where we want to get in touch with a contact we know would be a major asset in our business life but aren't necessarily sure how to approach them. By applying these tips, that task just got a little easier
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