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Where to See 17 of the Best Sunsets in Canada

It’s the season for road tripping, exploring, extra long weekends, and days you’ll dream about come January.

Of course, summer is also the best time to take in some of our country’s seriously stunning sunsets.

When it comes to our home and native land, here are our 17 favourite places to take in some sunset action.


1. Grand Bend, Ontario
The stunning sunsets over the limitless, Caribbean-blue Lake Huron in Grand Bend are pretty much a given when it comes to our favourites. Don’t let its ‘party town’ rep deter you from a trip to Grand Bend to capture the sunset that was once named among the 10 best sunsets in the world by National Geographic.

2. Grouse Mountain, Vancouver
If you’re in the market for a sunset that’s complete with a view of the entire city and Pacific Ocean below, head 15-minutes out of Vancouver, hop on a gondola to the top of Grouse Mountain, and get your camera ready.

3. Ottawa River, Ottawa
If you find yourself in the nation’s capital this summer, make sure to take in the sunset between the Parliament Buildings and drinks at Byward Market at the Ottawa River. Thanks to its geographical location, altitude, cloud cover, and air quality, Ottawa sunsets are scientifically proven to be some of Canada’s best. You can either park yourself on the shoreline, or take it in from one of the sunset cruises offered.

4. South Glenmore Park, Calgary
For a break from the city’s hustle and bustle, take a walk through the trails of Calgary’s South Glenmore Park. It’s filled with peaceful places to take in the setting sun, but one of our favourites is from a prime piece of real estate next to the marina, where you can see the golden glow reflect from the water.

5. Fjord du Saguenay, Quebec
When we road trip to Quebec, it usually means a weekend in Montreal or Quebec City. But if sunset seeking is your thing, you may want to head to Fjord du Saguenay National Park. Not only is the park filled with coves, hiking trails, and wildlife, a truly stunning sunset is pretty much guaranteed – whether it’s enjoyed on a hiking trail, or in a kayak below.

6. Waterford Beach, PEI
Watching the sun settle down on the continent from the blistering red cliffs of PEI seems like a pretty big no brainer. This is how you end the perfect beach day.

7. Banff National Park, Alberta
If you find yourself hiking the picturesque Banff National Park, you definitely want to stay for sunset. Of course, you could be ambitious and take a 25-40 minute hike up Tunnel Mountain to take it in from the top. Or, take it all in – glass of wine in hand – on the deck of the Juniper Hotel.

8. Toronto Island, Toronto
For the best views of the ever-growing Toronto skyline, hop on the ferry and over to the Toronto Island. After a day on the beaches, on the patios, or bike riding, that skyline view is made even more difficult to your eyes from during sunset.

9. L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland and Labrador
What better place in the country to watch a sunset than where the very first one was ever witnessed? This is the kind of sunset that’s been a 1000 years in the making…

10. Muskoka, Ontario
For all the multi-million dollar cottages and growing number of designer boutiques, the one thing that remains unchanged about Muskoka is the amazing sunsets that transform pretty much every lake in the region with their golden glow. It’s even better when taken in dockside from a Muskoka chair with a cold beer in hand.

11. Parc du Mont Royal, Montreal
For all the wining, dining, shopping, and bar hopping, a summer weekend in Montreal is made complete with a sunset experience. If it’s a Sunday, make sure you arrive in time to channel your inner hippie and catch the Tam-Tam drum circle. Then head for the top, where you can take in the views of the setting summer sun that highlight the city.

12. Crescent Heights, Calgary
If you’re in Calgary and seeking a photo-worthy sunset, Crescent Heights is always a solid option. Located on an escarpment overlooking the Bow River, the cliff-side spot offers some of the best sunset views of the city below.

13. Mount Tolmie, Victoria
Victoria is made even more charming when it’s illuminated by a famous B.C. sunset. If you take a drive or walk to the top of Mount Tolmie, you’ll find a stunning view of Victoria in all of its sun-setting glory.

14. Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia
To capture one of the best sunsets in the Maritimes, lace up your running shoes and hit the Skyline Trail at Cape Breton Highlands National Park. After a walk through the boreal forest, you’ll find a panoramic view with the type of sunset made all the better when the mountains meet the sea.


15. The Prairies, Saskatchewan
For a different sunset experience that’s quintessentially Canadian, make sure you take in a sunset over the sprawling prairies at some point in your life. In the absence of skyscrapers and mountains, the Prairie skyline – and the sunsets – seem to stretch on forever.

16. Fundy Trail, New Brunswick
10kms of coastal trail with 23 scenic lookouts along the highest tides in the world. What else could you possibly need to know.

17. Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon
The Yukon is known for its stunning sunsets of many shades of orange, red, and pink – so much so that it’s worth the trip just to capture one yourself. You’ll find no shortage of mountains soaked in the sun’s fiery red glow at Tombstone Territorial Park – a visual reward for the hike through the mountainous wilderness.


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