
9 Common Mistakes Tourists Make When They Travel

9 Common Mistakes Tourists Make When They Travel

As much as we all like to think of ourselves as perfect travellers, there will inevitably be times where we aren't making optimal decisions abroad. Some mistakes are harmless, others costly, and a few can just be put down to...
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7 Things to Say to a New Entrepreneur if You Want to Get Punched in the Face

Leaving the corporate world to chase an entrepreneurial endeavour has its perks too, but, like anything else, there are also many less-than-ideal drawbacks and challenges – of which we are perfectly aware – so you don’t have to remind us. Here are the seven worst things to say to a new entrepreneur
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Four Things to Love About Failure

Failure. It’s a word synonymous with inadequacy for many young professionals and a realization that can derail even the most strategic business minds. It’s not all bad, of course, because failure is also a key component of learning. Here are five reasons to bask in the face of defeat
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Notable Tips to Stop Screwing Up

The most important aspect of the popular “live and learn” approach is, of course, the learning. So whether you’ve screwed up at work, in your relationship, or with yourself, it’s important to avoid allowing our mistakes to turn into a cycle of bad habits. Here are some notable tips to help make sure you don’t make the same mistake twice
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