Men’s Fashion Trend

Video: Company Introduces Men's Self-Cleaning Jeans That Won't Ever Stink or Stain

Video: Company Introduces Men's Self-Cleaning Jeans That Won't Ever Stink or Stain

One company has just given the world a glimpse into the future of men's apparel. Their discovery? Men's clothing that is not only self-cleaning, but stain and odour preventable. Which is perfect for every guy you know that despises washing his jeans...
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Men's Spring Fashion Trend: 	Men's Trend: Layering Leggings With Shorts

Leggings and shorts for men have been on the rise for almost six years now and are finally making their way to the streets of Toronto. Originating in Japan and later being featured on the runways and streets of New York, Paris and now Toronto, this tough to adopt trend for men is finally catching on
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