
Why It's So Hard to Convince Anti-Vaxxers to Vaccinate Their Kids

Why It's So Hard to Convince Anti-Vaxxers to Vaccinate Their Kids

The World Health Organization (WHO) has ranked hesitancy surrounding vaccines - and the growing resistance to widely available lifesaving vaccines - as one of the top 10 health threats in the world in 2019.  According to the Centres for Disease...
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Australia is Cutting Welfare Payments to Parents Who Don't Vaccinate Their Kids

In a world first, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's government has announced it will penalize parents who don't vaccinate their children by cutting off welfare payments. It's a drastic move that could increase the rate of vaccinations nationwide, but there are still some blanks that have yet to be filled in
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A German Anti Vaxxer is Being Forced to Pay $100K for Claiming Measles is Not a Disease

A German biologist and anti-vaxxer who offered €100,000 ($106,300 USD) to anyone who could prove the measles was a real virus and not a psychosomatic illness is now being ordered to pay a doctor that money by the courts, because the doctor gave him, you know, proof
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