
Instagram Just Changed Its Logo and Made a Bunch of Crazy Updates

Instagram Just Changed Its Logo and Made a Bunch of Crazy Updates

Instagram just gave itself the biggest filtering job we've seen since you first fell in love with Mayfair. So put down your artisanal pizza. Lower your peace sign. And just stop all the other cliché Instagram things you do for...
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Canada’s 150th Birthday Logo Has Been Decided…And Some People are Not Happy

Our home and native land is almost 150 years old – and that’s a pretty big deal. That’s why the federal government needed a great logo to commemorate the occasion. While the winning design has been chosen, not everyone is happy about it
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Comment ne pas bousiller son logo

Alors, vous avez finalement décidé de suivre vos aspirations entrepreneuriales et de démarrer votre compagnie. Vous avez l’idée, les qualités requises, vous avez fait vos recherches et maintenant il vous faut le logo. Ne bousillez pas tout ce beau travail avec un logo qui vous fera plus de tort que de bien. Voici quelques points à considérer
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How to Not Screw Up Your Logo

So, you’ve decided to finally fulfill your entrepreneurial aspirations and start a company. You’ve got the idea, you have the skills, done your research and now you need the logo. Don’t screw up all your hard work with one that causes more harm than good. Here are a few pointers to consider
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