Life Advice

Career Related Illnesses and How to Avoid Them

Career Related Illnesses and How to Avoid Them

We’ve all had those days where we walk into our apartment, drop our bags, crash on the couch, say “I’m dead” and call it a night. Between working beyond regular office hours, networking, meetings, client dinners, charity events and everything...
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The Dangers of TMI: Too Much Information

If you find your stories or opinions often resulting in awkward giggles, prolonged pauses, or ending conversations altogether, you may be want to reconsider your content and ask yourself before you speak: “Is this too much information?”
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Five Documentaries Young Professionals Can Learn From

From lessons in money management to the realities of cutthroat competition in the business world, young professionals can learn a lot about their own lives and careers through these five must-see documentaries
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Taking Time Off to Work on You

Giving as much attention to our personal development as we do our professional development is a major part of mastering that sought-after YP balance. So make the effort, take the time, and get to work on you
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“Would You Hire You?” And Other Questions for Constructive Self Reflection

Last week we discussed just how important it is for young professionals to take the time to look in the mirror and consider how we are responsible for our own lives. This week we offer five simple questions that can be used as cues in this important self-reflection practice
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Are You Still Not Looking in the Mirror?

Are things not turning out as you had planned? Are you not yet reaching the level of happiness or success you had hoped for? Many young professionals start out their personal and professional adult lives with big dreams and high expectations. As we venture along, however, many of us find that real life doesn’t always unfold that way we thought it would or should
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Don't be a Young Professional Stereotype

As young professionals, we face a variety of challenges within the workplace. One particular challenge is coping with the negative image that some older coworkers and superiors may have of young professionals as a group. While every generation entering into the workforce must learn to deal with those who came before, our current collective of YPs and elder workers are facing a particularly difficult period of transition
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Never be Satisfied: The Power of Lifelong Learning

Whether through continuing education or learning a new language, instrument, sport, etc., always working to grow our skill set and keep our minds active is crucial for both personal and professional development – as well as for the betterment of our world
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Notable Tips to Stop Screwing Up

The most important aspect of the popular “live and learn” approach is, of course, the learning. So whether you’ve screwed up at work, in your relationship, or with yourself, it’s important to avoid allowing our mistakes to turn into a cycle of bad habits. Here are some notable tips to help make sure you don’t make the same mistake twice
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10 choses que vous ignoriez à 18 ans

Nous aimons penser que nous avons appris une chose ou deux depuis l’époque de notre secondaire. Oh! comme le monde est différent de ce que nous pensions! Inspirés par la sortie de la vidéo virale anglophone du discours de remise des diplômes d’une école secondaire absolument hilarant, You’re Not Special, nous avons souhaité réfléchir sur quelques points de vue sur lesquels nous avons tous (espérons-le) évolués depuis notre implantation dans la « catégorie JP »
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