
New Research Shows Smoking Hookahs is WAY WORSE for You Than Cigarettes

New Research Shows Smoking Hookahs is WAY WORSE for You Than Cigarettes

Millennials have to make a tough decision between two conflicting lifestyle trends: healthy living and capturing time-lapses of hookah smoke billowing Rihanna-style from their mouth. We strongly suggest you choose the former. First of all, hookahs aren't cool. Remember how lame you looked posing with...
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The Shisha Trend: Should You Indulge?

The aromatic scents and flavours, sexy pipe design, and the relaxed vibe common in hookah hot spots all give the impression that smoking shisha is an interesting, sensual and cultural experience. You’ve tried it once, maybe a couple times, and you liked it, but as a health-conscious young professional, you can’t help but wonder how this popular new activity might be affecting your body
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