
13 Reasons to Feel Better About Having ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’

13 Reasons to Feel Better About Having ‘Peter Pan Syndrome’

You know the type. They party as hard as they did in university, show zero signs of committing to anyone long-term anytime soon, and – aside from work commitments – have pretty much zero responsibility to anyone. If you ask...
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9 Reasons to Have a Summer Fling

The summer’s off to a pretty sweet start. But you know what would make it even better? A little bit of summer lovin' in the form of a good old-fashioned summer fling. Here’s why
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Fun Office Products for the YP Workplace

Sometimes we young professionals take ourselves much too seriously. In an effort to project a professional image, many of us tend to make our workspace an area of function and formality, rather than fun. With the amount of time we spend in this serious space, however, boredom and burnout and common results. So, lighten up!
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