
Ohhhhhh Nooooooo – Instagram Will Soon Let You Shop Straight from the App

Ohhhhhh Nooooooo – Instagram Will Soon Let You Shop Straight from the App

Instagram, the one and only source that informs people of fashion trends, sales, and must-haves these days, is about to drop a bomb. On your financial security. The company yesterday announced that it will soon allow users to buy things...
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An Expensive Change: Google is Adding 'Buy' Buttons to its Search Results

Google is doing its best to make life insufferable for shopaholics. Soon, search results from mobile devices will feature 'buy' buttons that take users directly to another Google page where they can complete their purchase
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See What Happens When You Press Tesla's 'Insane Mode' Button

How would you react to an electric car accelerating at the speed of a McLaren F1 supercar? Tesla recently launched its highly awesome 'Insane Mode', which is activated with just the push of a button – and the response of unsuspecting passengers is just as notable as the technology itself
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