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This Cool Treadmill Bike Lets You Walk and Ride to Work at the Same Time

Fitting a workout into our jam-packed schedules is an age-old conundrum for busy young professionals.

So what if we could sneak one into our daily commute to the office?

Say hello to Lopifit, the world’s first electric walking bike. Or to be more specific: part bicycle, part treadmill commuter vehicle.

You’ve heard of standing and treadmill desks, but now we have the potential to get in some exercise before we’ve even checked our emails. And the best part is, it’s green to boot.

Getting a gym session with a view without meat-heads either side of us flexing in the mirror? We’re officially converted.

According to its website, the machine takes no more effort than “a walk in the park,” and because of the electric assist and gears, it can increase your pace to the speed of regular bike.

It all came about when founder Bruin Bergmeester was exercising on his cross trainer indoors and wishing he could get outside while he was working out.

“How can I use the treadmill outdoors? Wouldn’t that be much more fun, including the fact that I can enjoy nature? What about a treadmill on wheels?” Bergmeester pondered.

After years of working on electric walking bike, he’s finally got things al fresco – and for $2,775 (CAD), you could too in a choice of five different colours.

Like a regular treadmill, you start things off by pushing backwards with your feet and an onboard sensor registers your movement and activates the motor.

If you’re in a rush to get to work, you don’t have to haul ass and get all sweaty on your commute – the electric assist means that you’ll be able to walk at a regular pace while still travelling quickly.

Like other solar powered options, it’s great for the environment – the bike can go up to 55 kilometres on a single charge and has a display bar that lets you know how much battery you have left.

Sure, we could ride a regular bicycle to work, but if you have knee trouble or are just not a fan of spandex, the Lopifit might just be your saviour.

Are you ready, feet? Start walking.


Notable Life

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