
New Study Shows Eating Salad is Worse For the Environment Than Bacon

New Study Shows Eating Salad is Worse For the Environment Than Bacon

If you’ve ever felt guilty when willpower waned and gone with a side of fries instead of a salad, now is the time to rejoice. Because you my friend, have been saving the planet one greasy fried potato at a time....
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Dressed to Impress: Mandy's Serves Up Montreal's Sexiest Salad

From the Fave, to the Wolfe Bowl ,to the big ol' Man Salad, these are not your average choke-it-down-because-its-good-for-you salads, or a two-weeks-until-the-beach crash plan. In an amazing feat of salad madness, Mandy's has created veritable salad addicts, with top-to-bottom, greens-to-grains, it's-not-a-burger-but-it's-damn-close salad
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