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Why a Trip to Israel Could Offer All the Business Inspiration You Need

If you’ve never visited Israel, you should make it a priority to check a trip to the holy land off of your travel bucket list, especially if you’re a forward-thinking young professional with a craving for some business inspiration.

Israel flag with a view of old city Jerusalem and the KOTEL- Western wall
Israel flag with a view of old city Jerusalem and the KOTEL- Western wall

Aside from the stunning beaches, the history-rich attractions and the mind-blowing Dead Sea, a trip to Israel is also a great business opportunity if you’re looking to take your career to new forward-thinking heights.

The country definitely has an edge when it comes to innovation.

Israel has been the birthplace of an astounding variety of startups and technologies that continue to make news. Israel currently houses as many as 3,000 tech-related startups.

This includes the ever-popular GPS app Waze, which offers built-in real-time traffic news and is now used by a massive 30 million drivers worldwide (including many in Toronto, who have no time for the never-ending road closures, construction and maddening traffic).

Also a product of Israel is Pythagoras Solar, the company that has built the world’s first solar windows. Last June, Pythagoras Solar’s breakthrough product was selected from nearly 5,000 entrants as a winner of the prestigious GE Ecomagination Challenge. The initiative recognizes innovations with the most potential for capturing, managing and using energy in buildings.

Another Israeli-made company to watch is Audioburst. The company gives radio a modern day upgrade by making it searchable and shareable. It records and automatically transcribes radio broadcasts through its sophisticated search engine, enabling users to search for snippets on topics of interest. Beneficial to both the curious listener and the radio stations, the company allows radio to finally have a longer shelf life and offers radio stations monetization and distribution opportunities.

We can’t forget about website creation site Wix, which combines aesthetics and advanced technology to allow users to create stunning, low-cost websites for people with no tech background. The company is known practically as much for its breathtaking office that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea.

Clearly, Israel is called the start-up nation for a reason. For its tiny size, it’s definitely doing huge things in the tech world.

It’s pretty crazy to think that, out of a population of eight million, 40,000 people work in the high-tech industry and contribute to 15 percent of the country’s total GDP.

The country’s post-secondary system is designed to foster the growth of this economy. You may want to sit in on a lecture at schools like Ben Gurion University, Tel-Aviv University and Hebrew University, all of which are R&D hubs and respected incubation centres.

The start-up-heavy economy is supported by no shortage of venture capitalists, accelerators, incubators, and industry programs, along with collaborative, flexible work spaces like WeWork.

So if you’re looking for a side of business inspiration on your next vacation, you may want to book a flight to Israel on El Al now.

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