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YPDaily: Rachel Singer

Rachel Singer is the Digital Content Manager at Rogers Publishing's Connected Magazine, with three simple words that personally define success for her. Find out what they are and what advice she has for other young professionals in today's YPDaily

Rachel Singer is the Digital Content Manager at Rogers Publishing’s Connected Magazine, with three simple words that personally define success for her. Find out what they are and what advice she has for other young professionals in today’s YPDaily…

Elevator Pitch: Describe your job in a nutshell.
As the Digital Content Manager at, I write, edit, produce and publish tech and entertainment content daily. It’s all about the latest devices, apps, must-watch movies and TV and everything you need to know to make the most of your Rogers products and services. 

Why did you start working at your company? What was the inspiration for this career route?
I started my career with Rogers Publishing – I interned for a year in editorial at LOULOU Magazine. Until this day I am not sure why I pursued an internship in magazine editorial, all I know is that I had a feeling it was my path. I still have the same employee # and work on the same floor; when I step off the elevators in the morning I get a very nostalgic feeling and a sense that I am in the right place. Over the years I’ve evolved into a 24/7 nerd – being on the cutting edge is important to me, I am very driven to evolve my skills and knowledge as technologies rapidly change.

What is the best part of what you do on a day-to-day basis? The most challenging part?
Everything about my job is the best, but the most challenging part of my job is developing and implementing content strategy. I love the thrill of seeing my ideas play out and I see every small task as one step closer to meeting my objectives. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I always say I’m a Rogers Publishing ‘lifer’. I’ll hopefully be somewhere on the publishing floor contributing to a publication in some way. If they’ll have me! 

What does success look like to you?
Ownership, enthusiasm and effort. When you feel that way over the work you do, you’ve achieved success.

What is the most memorable milestone in your career?
I worked on an incredibly talented team and together we built an app called Shopcatch, which is owned by Torstar Digital. The many late nights and hilarious brainstorming sessions resulted in a totally awesome product. Look it up! 

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
Focus on developing transferable skills. The content is secondary to the skill-set. 

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is that important to you?
I am involved with developing an organization called the Yellow Rose Project. Every year we put on a prom for Holocaust survivors who didn’t get a chance to have a youth. Remembrance is a very important cause to me and every year at the prom I am reminded how lucky I am to have the freedom to maximize my time on earth. 

What to you is notable?
My iPhone never leaves my hand and my iPad never leaves my purse.

Notable Life

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