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WOW Air is Hiring People to Snapchat for Them While They Travel the World for Free

Imagine getting hired to travel the world for free and share your adventures on Snapchat. 

Well, dream job alert: WOW air is looking to hire four SnapTravelers this summer to travel to any of the airline’s 28 destinations (which include London, Dublin, Berlin, and Paris to name a few) and share every exciting moment of their journey with all of WOW Air’s Snapchat followers.

The airline will not only cover all of your costs, but you’ll also receive an impressive travel allowance.

Coolest. Job. Ever.

All you have to do is create a Snapchat story in English, keep it under two minutes, save it to your phone, and upload the video through the application page.

If you’re one of the lucky snappers chosen, you’ll be flown to Iceland to map out your travel itinerary with WOW Air’s marketing team. Each #SnapTraveler will then go on four different trips that will last anywhere between 3-8 days depending on the destination.

According to the Wow Air website, they’re looking for “Someone creative, ambitious and fun with a passion for travel, good Snapchat storytelling abilities and of course, the WOW factor.”

So if this sounds like you – and you’re over the age of 18 –  upload your video by this Sunday, May 8th to win a chance to be one of the four lucky SnapTravelers. (Winners will be announced on May 17th.)

Good luck, happy Snapping, and don’t forget where you heard about this when you’re Snapchat famous.


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