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Why We’re Okay With Teens Doing the #CondomChallenge

The Condom Challenge is the latest and greatest viral craze to hit the Internet.

In case it has yet to hit your Twitter or Instagram newsfeeds, the trend involves filling condoms with water and literally dropping them on your friend’s head and hoping it doesn’t burst.

And, if you’re in need of a LOL session at the office, it’s actually pretty hilarious (even if it does make you feel super old), especially when it works, and the water-filled condom engulfs the person’s head for a beat like a jellyfish, before exploding on their face.

Naturally, it’s complete with the hashtag #condomchallenge.


A video posted by @hitthegram1 on

20 tries and 20 condoms later.. #condomchallenge @matchu_chutrain

A video posted by Hayden McMurtrey (@hmcmurtr) on

Though it may be interpreted as a weird, teen prank, or desperate cry for social media attention, the campaign actually highlights the importance of using protection – and the fact that no condom is ever too small. Apparently, the trend began as a YouTube video from Japan that was designed to promote the idea that women should never accept the excuse that a condom isn’t big or strong enough.

Hear that guys ? Safety comes in all sizes.

Of course, the naysayers are quick to claim that condoms should be used for what they’re intended for, as opposed to other recreational activities. That makes sense. While the hope is that the challenge doesn’t use up the entire box of condoms, at least it’s exposing them – and their durability – to teens in the first place (and encouraging them to purchase them). For that reason, we think it’s a positive thing, as long as someone doesn’t suffocate in the process. Teens could be up to a lot worse, after all.

As far was awareness goes, this isn’t the worst social trend out there.

But remember, if you’re going to try it at home yourself just make sure the condom you use isn’t your last.



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