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Why Every Young Professional Should Have a Blog

Stop thinking about your next quick status update and try blogging; you may be surprised at just how much more you have to say. If you aren’t blogging yet, here are our top five reasons why we think you should get typing

Beyond our 140 Twitter characters, our status updates on Facebook, photos on Instagram, and career info on Linkedin, creating a blog can provide young professionals with the further opportunity to create a more detailed and thorough name for ourselves within the important realm of the World Wide Web. If you aren’t blogging yet, here are our top five reasons why we think you should get typing.

1. Free exposure and promotion: You know you are good at what you do and you want to let the world know. Whether you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, artist, salesperson, etc., blogging offers an ideal,and often free way to showcase and promote your work, product, or expertise. Add a personal appeal to your product or service, create your own personal brand, or use your blog to keep the world up to date about your booming business ventures. 

2. Counter-balance your professional life: You may instead prefer to use your blog as a medium to indulge in other interests outside of your job. Just because you work in an office all day doesn’t mean you can’t also be a poet, a marathon runner, or home décor guru. Blogging can provide YPs with the chance to step out of their professional selves and enjoy, discuss, and learn about other interests. Your blog can be utilized in anyway you wish, whether it’s to practice your song-writing skills, share your sky diving experiences, or discuss your favorite tech toys.

3. Make a difference: Additionally, blogging can be used as a vehicle for change. If you consider yourself a philanthropic YP, or wish to become one, the blog offers a worldwide stage from which to inform others about causes that are important to you. Use your blog to influence others by linking to online petitions, passing on details about upcoming or past protests and gatherings, discussing your thoughts and opinions, and connecting with other like-minded people.  

4. Engage in self-therapy: In a past Notable article we talked about the cathartic and therapeutic benefits of writing. Blogging offers all the same benefits but with the added advantage of having an audience. Even if you choose to write anonymously, opening up to an audience about your thoughts, feelings, or problems can lead you to gaining new perspectives via comments and reactions from your readers. You may also just help someone else who may be dealing with similar struggles. 

5. It’s fun! Young professionals can lead very busy and often stressful lives. Blogging is a fun, personal activity that is free from strict instruction and is totally open to becoming whatever you want it to be. So start thinking beyond your next quick status update and try blogging; you may be surprised at just how much more you have to say.

Notable Life

Canada’s leading online publication for driven young professionals & culture generators.