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Where to Eat Tonight: Posto Pizzeria and Bar

An open kitchen with a Forno pizza oven. Enthusiastic, on-the-ball service in a sexy atmosphere. Flavour combinations to tickle your taste-buds. Central location and parking. And no lines out the door. We’re talking about one of Calgary’s most under-rated spots, Posto, of course

Calgarians are funny.

Maybe it’s because we’re spoiled by the +15s and don’t like to walk two blocks outside if we don’t have to, or maybe it’s that our trendy neighbourhoods are so distinct that we forget what lies literally a few hundred meters from their cores.

Either way, it works to the advantage of the young professionals who are willing to go the extra steps for quality and atmosphere because they don’t have to reserve weeks in advance to get into Posto.

No matter how cold it is outside, the warmth you’ll find through the front door curtain of Posto will make you forget all about it. The Forno oven, the lighting, the servers, the wine; they’re all part of the Creative Group‘s plot to heat things up with their second-newest addition.

We can’t talk about a restaurant without mentioning the food, but it really does speak for itself. The ingredients are fresh, unique, modern and even sometimes surprising, like when you find a perfectly-cooked egg under the toppings of your meaty, thin-crust pizza.

All of these elements combine to make this a no-brainer of a date-night/work dinner/bring the parents/impress new friends kind of place, which begs the question as to why you can actually get a table there on a Friday night.

Well, we’re here to tell you we’re chalking it up to the fickle amongst us that forget that there is life beyond 17th Ave (though it’s only six short blocks north) or the epicenter of 10th Ave and 3rd St (five blocks west). 

But truthfully, if you’ve been to Posto you probably don’t mind if the crowds stay at Craft and UNA because that means you’ll have a seat at the kitchen bar of a perfect little secret anytime you want it. 

And maybe it should stay that way.


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