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Video: This is How You Fend Off a Bear Attack

We live in Canada, which means we share this great country with bears. Bears, though usually timid around humans, can also be incredibly unpredictable – and lethal. Would you know how to react if one came barrelling towards you ready to feast? If not, just take a look at how Ralph Perrson of Sweden handled the situation

Unless you’ve been a Scout or spent a considerable amount of time outdoors, chances are you’re a bit unclear about the potentially life-saving protocol necessary to fend off a bear attack.

Do you play dead? Do you swing at the creature with sticks? Can you win its affection with honey?

Living in Canada, not knowing is a perilous endeavour. None of the above will serve you any good, by the way.

Ralph Perrson of Sweden recently found himself in a situation with a bear barrelling towards him presumably ready to engage in what would have been a very one-sided fight.

And lucky for him, he knew exactly what to do: stand your ground, make a lot of noise, and pretty much create tge illusion that you are the tougher mammal.

The effectiveness of this strategy is truly remarkable:


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