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Video: A BBC Journalist is Sexually Harassed While Reporting on Sexual Harassment

Even BBC journalist Sarah Teale had to point out how ironic the moment was:

And the thing is, it would be funny if it weren’t so painfully representative of an everyday problem women around the world face.

Reporting for BBC East Midlands Today, Teale was recording on a street in Nottingham (and had just finished saying, “An online study showed a shocking 95% of people said they had been harassed, either jeered at or had obscenities shouted at them in the street. And a large proportion of them said they’d also been groped, or grabbed inappropriately in public”) when a man walked by and shouted at her. The language was bleeped out, but it’s pretty clear from Teale’s reaction of, “Ya, like that,” that he wasn’t introducing himself in a gentlemanly fashion.

Just what is it that makes people think it’s a good idea to harass others?

Check out the video below if for nothing else but the unbelievable timing of the harassment:


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