Time for a Stampede Detox

After a wildly successful centennial celebration, another Calgary Stampede has come and gone. Most YPs will have indulged in some celebrating, and after 10 days of pancake breakfasts (read: pancakes, syrup, sausage), red meat, deep-fried midway food, and copious amounts of beer, most will also be ready for a Stampede detox. Get your health and well-being back on track with these tips.

Load up on vegetables and fruit, especially dark green and orange vegetables (e.g., broccoli, kale, romaine lettuce, carrots, sweet potato) and brightly-coloured fruits (e.g., berries, peaches, plums, grapefruit). Not only will you be consuming plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fibre, you’ll also be loading up on phytochemicals (plant chemicals) like antioxidants that protect your cells from damage caused by pollutants, smoke, and unhealthy food choices.

Drink lots of water. Water will help your body’s natural detox systems (like the liver and kidneys) filter and remove waste. It also keeps your appetite in check, since dehydration can be interpreted by your body as hunger.

Get moving…slowly. It isn’t realistic, ideal, or balanced to be a slave to your fitness schedule, so don’t stress out if you opted for a drink on the patio instead of your regular fitness class. Set yourself up for success by easing back into your routine. Even something as simple as going for a walk will leave you feeling better both physically and emotionally.

Get some rest. Parties and corporate events on top of a regular work schedule likely mean that you’ve skimped out on sleep over the past 10 days. But adequate rest is essential for tissue growth and repair, replenishing energy, controlling appetite, and being alert throughout the day. Try to get to get your sleep schedule back on track over the next few days by going to bed and waking at the same time, clocking in 7-9 hours of rest per night if possible. Turn off your smartphones and tablets at night since the light emitted from these devices has been shown to interfere with sleep.

Have some me time. Even the most outgoing and extroverted YP needs to recharge and refocus. Commit a few hours or even days to those things that help you feel rejuvenating again, whether it’s reading a great novel in the park or at the beach, spending time away from the city, going to the spa, spending time with close family, or simply meditating.

Though Stampede inevitably took its toll on your health, we realize some young professionals indulge in a week of non-stop partying no matter what the occasion or city every now and then. Feel free to apply these tips whenever your body is in need of a complete reset.