This Muslim Woman is Donating $1 to UNICEF for Every Hate-Filled Tweet She Gets

When blocking, muting, engaging, and ignoring doesn’t work, perhaps the best remedy to being the recipient of online abuse is giving back.

No, not with hate – giving back to a worthy cause.

That’s what 34-year-old Muslim woman Susan Carland, who converted to Islam when she was 19, is doing after receiving a barrage of anti-Islamic insults on Twitter and other social networks.

“One day [after] reading the merry stream of toxicity directed towards me, I wondered what the most edifyingly Islamic response I could give would be,” she says. That response? Donating $1 to UNICEF for every hate-filled tweet she received. Three weeks ago, she had already donated over $1000.

Unsurprisingly, this tweet generated further hate-filled messages, which is great terrible we don’t know. Her action has inspired others to join the stream of donations.

“By refusing to let the hate of others mould me, I am more secure and relaxed in my own identity than ever,” says Carland about her philanthropic reaction to bigotry.

Haters gonna hate. Victims gonna donate. Kids in need gonna celebrate.
