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#TheUpsideNow: When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears

We all know how much success depends on getting that lucky break sometimes, which often comes in the form of meeting someone who can elevate your career to the next level. Only when you open yourself up to that possibility will you cross paths with that "teacher," whether it be a professional mentor or simply a new way of looking at things

#TheUpsideNow is an exclusive weekly column written by our Founder, Julian Brass. Tweet to him @JulianBrass with your comments or leave one below.

Rule 11: When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Basically what this fable means is that when you are prepared and have done what is needed in terms of self improvement, key learnings and mastering your craft, it is only then that your “teacher” will appear.

By no means am I a fatalist or a full-on believer of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, but what I know is that what you put into life, you get right back out of life. At times it isn’t a direct correlation; at other times, it is. 

With that said, you really don’t know in what form your teacher may appear in. Be open to various possibilities and appearances of your “teacher.” Perhaps your teacher is a mentor or advisor, or your teacher may be nothing more then a new way of looking at something that you have looked at the exact in same way for many years.

When you are ready, your teacher will appear.

I’ll tell you an incredible story that happened to me a few weeks ago. I was getting a Sunday morning coffee with my father, we hadn’t caught up in a while and I knew it would be nice to enjoy one another’s company over nothing more then a cup of coffee (truth be told, it was an Americano).

We sit down and begin chatting. I started raving about the book I am reading by one of my favourite authors, Robin Sharma. Then I take a quick glance just over his shoulder to see one of this author’s biggest competitors, another thought-leader who I truly admire, sitting right there!

I thought to myself, “No way, is that T. Harv Eker? Here in the ‘burbs of Toronto?!” So I Google a photo of him just to be sure, and sure enough it is him. I ask my father to excuse me as I approach him to say hello. He was extremely receptive to me and actually introduced me to his son, suggesting that we speak as we are both in similar lines of work. My father and I invited his son to sit with us. He is a smart and creative young professional, someone I plan to collaborate with soon for work.

When the student is ready the teacher appears.

I have been preparing myself for almost four years. Becoming an expert in my industry, knowing the language, the trends, and the flow of which we operate. For this, as a student, I am ready. I was ready to meet my teacher, even if only for a brief moment. The connection was made and the rest will follow.

Are you ready? Are you bettering yourself each and every day in your field of work and in life in general? Teachers are everywhere; it’s up to you, the student, to ready yourself in order to meet them.

They may be in front of you as you read this but you’re not ready for them yet. They might be across the globe but you haven’t gone there yet. You will.

Your teacher may be inside you but you haven’t encountered her yet.

When you are ready, your teacher will appear.

Julian Brass
Founder and Publisher, 

Notable Life

Canada’s leading online publication for driven young professionals & culture generators.