The Fine Balance Between Routine and Randomness

After a party-hardy weekend or a hectic holiday, do you often crave the normalcy of your usual routines? And then, after a monotonous workweek or long difficult project, do you yearn to partake in some random fun? This is a common cycle amongst young professionals, a back and forth way of living that can leave many of us unsure of who we are, who we want to be, and what we want out of life (particularly those known as the Weekend Warrior). To help those dealing with this cycle of uncertainty, we’ve laid out the pros and cons of both routine and randomness, so that we all may develop our own perfect balance.   

Routine: Why we love it, need it, then hate it, ditch it
Humans are creatures of habit. Life is chaotic by nature and so people instinctually gravitate toward routine as a way to keep order and focus. This is especially true for young professionals. But as both young and professional, we are essentially living in two very different worlds. Our level of immaturity/maturity, and impulsiveness/self control, are in constant flux as we grow and develop. So, when faced with a task, and when our discipline and motivation are at their highest, many of us are drawn toward the proficiency of routine. But, as the week or the work rolls on, and we begin to get a little tired, a little bored, a little distracted, that motivation and discipline can run dry. By Friday, or when the task is complete, routine can feel like the enemy. And as we then long to revel in some tasty impulsiveness, we can start to relinquish some of that maturity and self-control. Thankfully for most YPs, we don’t need a whole lot of time out from routine. A weekend of unstructured indulgence or a vacation of random adventure is often enough to leave us once again begging for order.

Randomness: A necessary component 
That all said, humans are not machines – especially we young ones. We cannot expect to be happy or successful by simply following regular routines all the time. Creativity, innovation, and discovery all require a great degree of randomness.  But while unpredictability and spontaneity may cause uneasiness for some, it is often only when we leave the comforts of our routines that new and amazing things can happen. Being satisfied is one thing, but being stuck is another. Thus, in order to stay fresh, dynamic, and always moving forward, deviating from usual routines is an occasional must. So while routine is certainly a necessary tool in our journey toward success, it need not be our exclusive path. Don’t be afraid to take a different route to work, to try out a new social scene, or book that last minute trip to Africa; for as they say, “variety is the spice of life!”

When it comes to seeking a balance between routine and randomness, the trick is to find the right times and places, and the most positive outlets for our deviations and indulgences. Think of it as simply containing the chaos, keeping some level of self-control within all the haphazard fun, like even scheduling randomness into your routine (like preparing ahead of time for that next hangover).

As we evolve within this YP world, seeking our own versions of balance, it’s crucial that we all find a way to be productive but inspired, disciplined but happy, and, most important, focused but always free.