Young Professional

Organic, Local, Free range: What Does it All Mean?

Organic, Local, Free range: What Does it All Mean?

Taking care of our bodies as well as our environment has never been more important to the young professional as it is today. Concerning ourselves with our health and environment has also never been so trendy. In the haze of...
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Notable Salon: Aveda

For young professionals, appearance plays an important role in our success. Maintaining a well-groomed look is not only crucial for those working in sales, with the public, or in the entertainment or beauty biz, but for everyone. We all know that when we look awesome we feel awesome, and when we feel awesome, we do awesome. Aveda gets you to that level
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YPDaily: Alex Middleton

After working as a freelance journalist in Spain where he boldly faced the difficult, emotional circumstances he was placed under, Alex Middleton returned to Calgary to combine his passion for people and writing as a PR consultant in today’s YPDaily
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YPDaily: Paula Brancati

Paula Brancati is one of the hottest rising stars to come out of Canada, with leading roles in popular shows like Degrassi, Being Erica and Dark Oracle, she tried to balance a hectic set schedule with a healthy lifestyle in today’s YPDaily
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YPDaily: Adrian Robinson

Adrian Robinson is the Director of Client Services with IQ PARTNERS Inc., where he does everything from headhunting people to finding positions to fill them in, and being constantly motivated by the interesting people he meets every day in today’s YPDaily
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YPDaily: Anthony Hello

Sometimes, all it takes is a little passion to be inspired to move in the right direction. That’s exactly what Anthony Hello realized when, after one meeting with the VP at MediaCom, he was caught up in her energy and immediately joined the team, where he now leads the branded content division in today’s YPDaily
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