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How Gyms are adapting to the pandemic, post-lockdown

With COVID-19 restrictions being lifted all across Canada, gym-goers have recently been able to return to the gym. Although safety measures such as the mandatory use of masks and sanitation processes have been implemented, many are still hesitant about attending public gyms.  According to a survey that was conducted at

High Intensity Interval Training May Lower Sex Drive In Men

According to a new study, published by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, men who exercise strenuously may have a lower libido than those whose workouts are lighter. For years, the correlation between exercise and sex and reproduction has been studied, but many of the past studies focused on women.

Why Barre Class Is The Best Class for Toning Your Bod

“It’s passé to tell someone to stretch,” says Paula Ryff, co-owner of Ultimate Athletics in Toronto and an instructor of their Ultimate Barre class. “If you strengthen a muscle long in its full range of motion, you wouldn’t have short, tight muscles that are prone to injury and that you

16 Ways You Can Exercise While You’re at Work

There’s nothing natural about sitting for eight hours a day (minimum). And while you might feel accomplished in doing so, at the end of a long week of being chained to the desk, you’re going to feel a little sluggish. Unless, of course, you had 16 ways to get your workout on while you’re at work

The 7 Things I Learned From Exercising at 7 AM for a Month

All my life, I’ve always admired those ‘up with the sun’ morning people. Though I do find that I’m more of an early bird than a night owl, a “morning person” is not what I would consider myself. Sleep is pretty much my biggest priority in life and anything that