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Four Reasons Why A Website Can Help Your Business

This post is sponsored by GoDaddy Canada. With so many people working from home and turning to online sources for entertainment, work and shopping, now may be the time to create a website for Canadians to discover your business. For many, creating a website or adding an ecommerce component may

Ladies, Use This Awesome New Website As Your Defense Against Mansplainers

If you’ve ever been the victim of mansplaining, then you know how annoying it can be when dudes dominate the conversation. True story: my roommate (bless his heart) explained Instagram’s new algorithm to me three times in one week. Considering that 90 per cent of my job is to constantly troll

Infamous Cheating Site Ashley Madison Finds a Softer Way to Ruin Your Life

When your business model is based on getting sad, desperate people to cheat on their partners, you can’t be surprised when you get some pushback. I’m sure you can all remember Ashley Madison’s massive data breach last summer that exposed reality TV star and “family values activist” Josh Duggar as a