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Party Warhol-style at Calgary’s Infamous Factory Party on October 22

After a 6-year hiatus, one of Calgary’s most infamous parties is back. And this is definitely something to get excited about – especially if you have a thing for Warhol. Back in 2008, The Factory Party was introduced to Calgary as a revival of Andy Warhol’s infamous NYC parties at

Another Major Andy Warhol Exhibit Will Hit Toronto This Fall

Toronto is getting a second dose of Warhol this year. First, Revolver Gallery brought us Warhol Revisited, which runs until December. And today, Piers Handling, Director and CEO of TIFF, announced another Andy Warhol exhibition, which will hit TIFF Bell Lightbox from October 30, 2015 to January 24, 2016. Andy

Warhol Mania Takes Over Montreal Tomorrow

Call in sick. Cancel your plans. Don’t hit snooze. Instead, start lining up outside the Museum of Fine Arts because we guarantee the wait time will require more than one Starbucks run. What’s causing such a stir in downtown Montreal? The eccentric genius of Andy Warhol, of course