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Police Charge Woman Who Threw Chair From Balcony Onto Highway in Toronto

It’s amazing what a person will do for attention and a shot at ‘going viral’, as was demonstrated on Saturday when a woman threw a chair from the balcony of a high rise Toronto apartment onto a busy highway below. While the public response was overwhelmingly negative, she attained her

Student Fools Internet With Viral Heartstring-Tugging Holiday Ad

Each year across the pond, John Lewis – a UK-based department store – succeeds in making the nation cry with their heartstring-tugging holiday ads. When the beloved and much-anticipated holiday ad airs, it pretty much marks the unofficial start to the festive season. Now, one student deserves a big fat

Spice Girls’ ‘Wannabe’ Video Gets the Gender Equality Treatment

Facebook: This is definitely “girl power.”  If you can remember when the Spice Girls stormed onto the teenybopper pop culture scene with their smash hit single “Wannabe,” then you probably feel as old as I do. It was 20 years ago (yikes). It was a girl power anthem back then,