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UK battles obesity by banning junk snacks from supermarket checkouts

The United Kingdom is launching an all-out offensive against obesity. The battle begins by banning the display of unhealthy food and drinks at supermarket checkouts. Any parent who’s ever walked their child past a rack of chocolate bars will be stoked. Furthermore, junk items can’t be included in buy one,

10 Breathtaking Places to Go in England That Aren’t London

When you think of England, what springs to mind first? Tea and crumpets. Correct. But chances are, it’s very closely followed by London. It’s undeniable that England’s capital, with its unmistakable landmarks like Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, and Buckingham Palace, is a tourist wonderland that everyone should visit

This Bar Made a Secret Sign to Help Women Escape Terrible Tinder Dates

As Tinder dates continue to become a common staple of the bar scene, one drinking establishment has given the world a lesson in etiquette. The Brickyard in St Albans in the UK put a sign up in the bathroom to reassure victims of terrible Tinder encounters that help is at hand: “Tinder Date Gone Wrong?