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Ah, So That’s Why Doug Ford Was Able to Cut University Tuition by 10%

Earlier this year the Ontario government announced that university and college tuition fees would be slashed by 10% ahead of the 2019/2020 school year. That’s great news, though critics were cautious. Universities need money, and increasingly more of it. So where will it come from if not from those who

Students Will Save 10% on University and College Tuition Starting Next Year

Students in Ontario pay some of the highest tuition fees in the world. It’s no wonder that more than three-quarters of graduates have regrets about having subscribed to such a perilous financial situation. It should be welcome news, then, that the Ontario government is planning to slash university and college

Canada’s Insane Tuition Costs Are Forcing Students to Find Sugar Daddies

Canadian students have it pretty tough. Last year, an OECD report placed Canada fifth in a ranking of highest tuition costs in the world. The average Canadian student pays around $6,200 annually for the privilege of post-secondary education. Rather than being burdened by debt for a significant part of their young adult