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Hair Tattoos Are the World’s Best Cure for Balding

Someone get George Costanza on the line. If you’re a dude whose hairline isn’t quite what it used to be and you’re sick of the ol’ baseball hat cover-up, this solution just might make your day. It’s called scalp micropigmentation – essentially, a hair tattoo. For the follicle-impaired, this is

There’s a Powerful New Canadian Heritage Minute We All Need to See

It’s pretty rare that we talk openly about the bleak past Canada’s Aboriginal people. Historica Canada is doing just that in a new warts-and-all video that was released on Monday. The sobering minute-long clip tells the story of Chanie Wenjack, an Aboriginal boy who was taken 1,000 kilometres away from his home

Sweden Will Open the First Emergency Centre for Male Victims of Rape

Sweden has the highest rape rate in Europe, with 370 of recorded cases involving the sexual assault of men or boys. Many experts believe the actual number is even higher. [ad_bb1] The severity of rape against one gender can’t be measured against that of another, of course, but rape against men, usually by