
Leonardo DiCaprio Announces Plans for an Ecotourism Resort Off the Coast of Belize

Leonardo DiCaprio Announces Plans for an Ecotourism Resort Off the Coast of Belize

Leonardo DiCaprio has big plans to transform an island off the coast of Belize into a multi-million dollar ecotourism resort. The whole project began almost decade ago when DiCaprio bought Blackadore Caye for a cool $1.75 million USD with a...
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Faces of Hope for Haiti: Justin Viard and Stephanie Villedrouin

The harsh realities of life in Haiti are hard to ignore: immense poverty, insufficient amenities and a crumbling infrastructure, exacerbated by 2010's devastating earthquake, leading to alarming levels of famine, disease and crime. But there is also creation and reconstruction, initiatives brought forth by government officials and community leaders of the Haitian diaspora that suggest Haiti is open for business
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Art 101: Museum Picks in TO, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal

In terms of things to do in Canadian cities, art museums and galleries can often become overlooked due to spectacle events like sports games, concerts, or big name festivals. However, as we have preached numerous times in our Art 101 segments, the Notable young professional should keep an open mind to the arts in order to be constantly ahead of the curve
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