
A Major U.S. Restaurant Chain is Asking Customers Not to Tip Anymore

A Major U.S. Restaurant Chain is Asking Customers Not to Tip Anymore

Joe's Crab Shack, a place you probably wouldn't eat at anyway, has become the first restaurant chain to forbid tipping at 18 of its locations in the United States. "We believe that consistently great service should always be included in the menu price,...
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This Chart Will Tell You Who You Should Be Tipping and Just How Much

This Chart Will Tell You Who You Should Be Tipping and Just How Much

Pretty much anyone I know who has ever worked in the service industry is a good...
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11 Ways to Hide a Messy Lifestyle

Human beings aren’t neat by nature; there’s a skill to becoming a “neat freak.” The truth is, we accumulate a lot of stuff over time that we’re just not ready to part with – and it quickly fills our small urban living spaces. Here are 11 ways to hide a messy lifestyle
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6 Ways to Stay Focused When Working From Home

The perks of working from home are great, but if you fall prey to the myriad of distractions your home provides you can forget about getting any actual work done. Here are some tips for keeping your mind in work mode when your comfortable bed is a mere three feet away
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