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4 Notable Thanksgiving Cocktails to Impress Your Guests

A memorable Thanksgiving meal is made all the more complete with a signature cocktail. So we turned to the mixologists at some of our favourite Toronto bars to share a notable fall cocktail from their seasonal menu, and, of course, provide easy instructions for you to create them at home

A Shop Local Thanksgiving Menu for the Last Minute Host

Yellow trees, cool breezes, and pumpkin everything. The signs of fall in Calgary are everywhere, and they’re being celebrated in full effect this weekend. If you’ve been charged with cooking Thanksgiving dinner and want to make it a local affair, check out our guide to sourcing your meal from producers within a hundred mile radius

11 Ways to Survive Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving weekend is almost here. But for all the goodness that can come with the grub, three whole days off work, and family time, it can also carry a lot of stress and over-indulgence (see: regret). And because nobody has time for that, here are 11 ways you can survive the holiday

Where to Eat Your 2014 Thanksgiving Dinner in Toronto

If you can’t make it home for Thanksgiving (or, Toronto is your home and you just want to have an excuse for why you can’t make it to Mom’s place on Monday) we’ve got you covered with 9 restaurants that will fill your craving for turkey, stuffing, and all the tryptophan dreams you can handle

Thanksgivukkah 2013: Drumsticks and Dreidels

In a similar moniker mélange to its pop-culture cousin, Chrismukkah, the recently coined “Thanksgivukkah” is taking America’s holiday calendar (and our Twitter feeds) by storm, so we figured we’d see what all the fuss is about