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Toronto Council Wants to Ban Texting and Walking

It was only a matter of time: Toronto residents could soon get slapped with a fine for texting and walking. Yes, we’re serious. As you may recall, New Jersey first proposed a bill against texting and walking back in March. Now, Toronto has a similar idea. Yesterday, councillors voted to

Quit These 10 Annoying Habits and Become a Better Human Today

Let’s face it: people can be really bloody annoying. Whether it’s your colleagues irritating the hell out of you in the office, or complete strangers that are making you feel queasy 30,000 feet above the ground, the human race is certainly not lacking when it comes to its share of

The Dirty Do’s and Don’ts of Sexting

Let’s not be prudes here. We all know that when you start talking to someone and things start to heat up, you’re inevitably going to start sexting them. (In fact, research shows you should be.) Because sexting can be a lot of fun, when it’s done right. So if you’re wondering why